Sonata Transmutationis (2024—)

Sonata Transmutationis is an ongoing project that began with the creation of two paper mache masks: one of the sun and one of the moon. These are to have a microcosmic quality as they unfold across the seven stages of interpretive alchemy through the undercurrents of the macrocosm.

Alchemy originated in ancient Egypt during the first few centuries AD. This holistic and quasi-physical process of transmutation involves an inextricable counterpart of both the psychological journey towards the Self and the physical transmutation of impure base metals (copper, lead, etc.) into silver and gold. The elixir of life is produced from the prima materia, an ubiquitous and purified first matter, in the form of the Philosopher’s Stone as divine illumination.

As the alchemists are physically transmuting these materials (with only intentions of psychological—and thus, physical—purification to aid in the collective evolution of consciousness), they undergo a quaternary transfusion of the four elements (fire, water, air, and earth) to make the fifth element, or quintessence, visible. The sun and moon represent the two most precious metals, gold and silver. They are often depicted as a couple bound together in marriage or as the Mother (moon) and Father (sun) of the philosophers' stone.

I am investigating this by shooting black-and-white analog at all points of heavenly rotation. I aim to construct a fractal-based narrative that intertwines with the viewer in all directions of space and time. There are seven stages of the alchemical process (Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation), each containing ten photographs. This project involves extensive research, self-discovery, ideation, conversation, and above all, experimentation. The film undergoes subjection to the elements, such as chemical soups, burning the negatives, and rusting the negatives, as the alchemists did with impure materials.

By undertaking such an intricate and complex topic through the photographic medium, I aim to educate and illustrate, in my interpretive translation, the practices that preceded modern science. In doing so, may I aid in the evolution of consciousness and the self-actualization of the collective.

The first two stages of alchemy, Calcination and Dissolution, can be viewed below.




